Following newsletters with Feeder is a great way to combine all your reading material in one place, and make your email inbox more focused to pure communication.
How it works
We create a magic e-mail address just for you that you can use when subscribing to newsletters.
When your newsletters arrive you can read them in Feeder, right where you consume all your other content.
How to
In the web reader, Click “Add feed”, and choose the tab “Newsletters”. There you can generate your special e-mail. Copy that email and subscribe to your newsletters through that.

Your newsletter will become a feed as any other. And when new newsletter entries arrive, they will show up as posts.

Forwarding old newsletters
If you want old newsletters to show alongside your new ones, you can forward those old newsletters to Feeder easily. Simply setup a forwarding rule in your e-mail program to forward existing newsletters to Feeder.
How to setup rules vary from different mail clients. Our recommendation is to simply Google “setup rules with X”, where X is your email client.
If you have any questions or need any help, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@feeder.co. Happy reading!