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Find work with Feeder

Feeder co-founder Johan and his assistant Nisse is taking precautions.

Due to the Corona-pandemic, the Feeder team has decided to work from home. In these bizarre times we're experiencing, many people are losing their jobs and are in desperate need to find a new one quickly. With this in mind, we created a simple guide for remote workers and freelancers on how to use Feeder to find work.

This is a perfect guide if you're a freelancer looking for your next job, or if you're thinking of starting a new career and want to be able to work from anywhere you like. As we all know, remote work and the gig economy is on an upward trend, creating lots of great job-opportunities for people with any kind of skills and backgrounds.

With modern technology it's easier than ever to find work from anywhere in the world. Our goal is be a part of this revolution.

You'll find some great information and inspiration in our remote work-guide over at the Feeder Knowledge Base. Or just by following the link below: