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Nelly Cheboi, who creates computer labs for Kenyan schoolchildren, is CNN's Hero of the Year

almost 2 years ago

Celebrities and musicians are coming together tonight to honor everyday people making...

Donate now to a Top 10 CNN Hero

almost 2 years ago

Anderson Cooper explains how you can easily donate to any of the...

'I was up to my waist down a hippo's throat.' He survived, and here's his advice

almost 2 years ago

Paul Templer was living his best life.

The surreal facades of America's strip clubs

almost 2 years ago

Some people travel the world in search of adventure, while others seek...

Here's the real reason to turn on airplane mode when you fly

almost 2 years ago

We all know the routine by heart: "Please ensure your seats are...

Relaxed entry rules make it easier than ever to visit this stunning Asian nation

almost 2 years ago

Due to its remoteness and short summer season, Mongolia has long been...

They bought an abandoned 'ghost house' in the Japanese countryside

almost 2 years ago

He'd spent years backpacking around the world, and Japanese traveler Daisuke Kajiyama...