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Last updated 6 days ago

CPU Pipeline - Computerphile

6 days ago

How do CPUs make the most efficient use of their compute time...

ChatGPT Jailbreak - Computerphile

15 days ago

With Large Language Models becoming used across all areas of computing, security...

AES GCM (Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois Counter Mode) - Computerphile

22 days ago

Your browser is using this system right now! (at time of typing!)...

Wearable Tech Discussed - Computerphile

26 days ago

The field of Human Computer Interaction has been transformed with wearables that...

Garbled Circuits - Computerphile

about 1 month ago

Going hand in hand with Oblivious Transfer is 'Garbled Circuits' - a...

Gaussian Splatting! - Computerphile

about 1 month ago

A new technique to turn pictures of a scene into a 3D...

Digital Plants (L-Systems) - Computerphile

about 2 months ago

From simple rules, complex 'organisms' can emerge. PhD candidate Zachariah Garby has...

Coding a Web Server in 25 Lines - Computerphile

2 months ago

Just how simple can a web server be? Laurence Tratt, Shopify /...

Mechanizing Mathematical Proofs - Computerphile

2 months ago

A graphical problem seems intuitive to a human, but how do you...

Discussing Digital Twins - Computerphile

3 months ago

Digital Twin - a new buzz word or a useful piece of...

Python Hash Sets Explained & Demonstrated - Computerphile

3 months ago

Featuring Mike Pound. Jane Street skyscraper puzzle (and info on the AMP...

How CPUs Do Math(s) - Computerphile

3 months ago

Matt Godbolt continues the story of the CPU and explains how machines...