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Last updated 8 days ago

Multiple independent acquisitions of ACE2 usage in MERS-related coronaviruses

8 days ago

Two coronaviruses related to MERS-CoV, which infect European Pipistrellus bats, have been...

SnapShot: Human sperm-egg interface proteins

8 days ago

Human fertilization is a complex, highly regulated process that involves intricate molecular...

Molecular basis of convergent evolution of ACE2 receptor utilization among HKU5 coronaviruses

8 days ago

The family of coronaviruses known as merbecoviruses has generally been thought to...

Bat-infecting merbecovirus HKU5-CoV lineage 2 can use human ACE2 as a cell entry receptor

8 days ago

Coronaviruses of the merbecovirus family have been thought to enter cells by...

Neutrophil-derived vesicles control complement activation to facilitate inflammation resolution

8 days ago

Short-lived neutrophils are typically known for their pro-inflammatory role in pathogen clearance...

Extracellular vesicles from the lung pro-thrombotic niche drive cancer-associated thrombosis and metastasis via integrin beta 2

8 days ago

Cancer-associated thrombosis is a leading cause of mortality. Lucotti et al. uncover...

Identification, structure, and agonist design of an androgen membrane receptor

8 days ago

GPR133 is identified as a membrane receptor for the androgen subtype 5α-DHT...

Structure-guided discovery of viral proteins that inhibit host immunity

8 days ago

Large-scale, structure-guided computational pipeline sifts through millions of phage proteins to identify...

Mammary intraepithelial lymphocytes promote lactogenesis and offspring fitness

8 days ago

Mammary intraepithelial lymphocytes enhance mammary gland differentiation during pregnancy, thereby promoting offspring...

ArfGAP2 promotes STING proton channel activity, cytokine transit, and autoinflammation

8 days ago

ArfGAP2 is a dual regulator of STING signaling and proton efflux in...

HypoxyStat, a small-molecule form of hypoxia therapy that increases oxygen-hemoglobin affinity

8 days ago

A small molecule that increases oxygen-hemoglobin affinity was shown to prevent and...

Resolving the three-dimensional interactome of human accelerated regions during human and chimpanzee neurodevelopment

8 days ago

Human accelerated regions (HARs) have been implicated in human brain evolution with...