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A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering

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Last updated 3 months ago

A quick post on Chen’s algorithm

3 months ago

If you’re a normal person — that is, a person who doesn’t...

Attack of the week: Airdrop tracing

7 months ago

It’s been a while since I wrote an “attack of the week”...

To Schnorr and beyond (part 2)

10 months ago

This post continues a long, wonky discussion of Schnorr signature schemes and...

To Schnorr and beyond (Part 1)

11 months ago

Warning: extremely wonky cryptography post. Also, possibly stupid and bound for nowhere...

Some rough impressions of Worldcoin

11 months ago

Recently a reader wrote in and asked if I would look at...

On Ashton Kutcher and Secure Multi-Party Computation

about 1 year ago

Back in March I was fortunate to spend several days visiting Brussels...

PRFs, PRPs and other fantastic things

about 1 year ago

A few weeks ago I ran into a conversation on Twitter about...

Book Review: Red Team Blues

over 1 year ago

As a rule, book reviews are not a thing I usually do...

Remarks on “Chat Control”

over 1 year ago

On March 23 I was invited to participate in a panel discussion...

Apple iCloud, and why encrypted backup is the only issue

over 1 year ago

You might have seen the news today that Apple is announcing a...

One-Time Programs

over 1 year ago

One of the things I like to do on this blog is...

In defense of crypto(currency)

about 2 years ago

Last week a group of technologists, including Bruce Schneier, sent a letter...