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Last updated 8 days ago

The human zinc-binding cysteine proteome

8 days ago

A deep mapping of the human zinc-binding cysteine proteome (ZnCPT) defines thousands...

Comparative proteomic landscapes elucidate human preimplantation development and failure

8 days ago

In-depth proteomic profiling of oocytes and early embryos in humans and mice...

Spatiotemporal and genetic cell lineage tracing of endodermal organogenesis at single-cell resolution

8 days ago

This study integrates genetic tracing, single-cell analyses, and imaging to reveal the...

Pan-cancer analysis of biallelic inactivation in tumor suppressor genes identifies KEAP1 zygosity as a predictive biomarker in lung cancer

8 days ago

Selective pressure for biallelic inactivation varies widely across tumor suppressor genes and...

Structural determinants of co-translational protein complex assembly

8 days ago

Structurally intertwined protein subunits assemble co-translationally and undergo synchronized expression regulation.

High-resolution spatially resolved proteomics of complex tissues based on microfluidics and transfer learning

8 days ago

PLATO, a high-resolution and high-throughput spatial mass spectrometry proteomics platform, identifies distinct...

Synthetic organizer cells guide development via spatial and biochemical instructions

8 days ago

Synthetic organizer cells, engineered to spatially self-assemble around stem cells, can be...

DNA end sensing and cleavage by the Shedu anti-phage defense system

8 days ago

Shedu is a single-component prokaryotic defense system that provides immunity against bacteriophages...

SMC motor proteins extrude DNA asymmetrically and can switch directions

8 days ago

All eukaryotic SMC motor proteins extrude DNA asymmetrically but may undergo direction...

Structural and functional analysis of the Nipah virus polymerase complex

8 days ago

The cryo-EM structure and mutational analysis of the Nipah virus polymerase complex...

Molecular basis of proton sensing by G protein-coupled receptors

8 days ago

Howard et al. combine mechanistic deep mutational scanning, cryo-EM, and constant-pH molecular...

Evolutionary study and structural basis of proton sensing by Mus GPR4 and Xenopus GPR4

8 days ago

Structures of GPR4 from Mus musculus and Xenopus under various pH conditions...