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Seth Godin's Blog on marketing, tribes and respect

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Last updated about 15 hours ago

The bitterness loop

about 16 hours ago

Spoiled leads to bitter A sense of entitlement is a trap, because...

Feeding the algorithm

1 day ago

The marketing consultant told the client that they have to post three...

Empathy at a distance

3 days ago

… is almost as difficult as empathy up close That person that’s...

Compared to perfect

4 days ago

Perfect is useful. It’s an absolute measure, a north star, a chance...

Practical approaches for more effective teamwork

5 days ago

Give credit, take responsibility Get aligned on timeframes Insist on a spec...

The conspiracy of mediocrity

6 days ago

Solo mediocrity is rampant, of course. We know that toasting the bread...

Your audiobook

7 days ago

Here’s a useful habit that’s more than a hack… The next time...

Omitting the herbs

8 days ago

Without salt, human beings don’t survive long But it’s possible to eat...

Language conceals and reveals

9 days ago

When a non-expert brings a strong point of view to a complex...

Redefining a profession

10 days ago

Pharmacists used to mix chemicals by hand to create prescriptions Opticians used...

Brighten up a room

11 days ago

(just by leaving it) Moving into your kid’s college dorm isn’t going...

Write for someone

12 days ago

It’s so tempting to write for everyone But everyone isn’t going to...