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Last updated 18 days ago

My Maintenance Policy

18 days ago

I wrote a short document describing how I maintain open source projects...

PINs for Cryptography with Hardware Secure Elements

2 months ago

I’m a big fan of technologies that enable otherwise impossible security properties...

Post-quantum Cryptography for the Go Ecosystem

3 months ago

filippo.io/mlkem768 is a pure-Go implementation of ML-KEM-768 optimized for correctness and readability...

Enough Polynomials and Linear Algebra to Implement Kyber

6 months ago

I was once talking with a mathematician and trying to explain elliptic...

Why We Don’t Generate Elliptic Curves Every Day

6 months ago

With all the talk recently of how the NIST curve parameters were...

Announcing the $12k NIST Elliptic Curves Seeds Bounty

7 months ago

The NIST elliptic curves that power much of modern cryptography were generated...

I want XAES-256-GCM/11

10 months ago

In 2023, the way to use AES is AES-GCM. Anything else is...

A Cryptographic Near Miss

about 1 year ago

Go 1.20.2 fixed a small vulnerability in the crypto/elliptic package. The impact...

Planning Go 1.21 Cryptography Work

about 1 year ago

As most of you are tired to hear by now, I am...

Avoid The Randomness From The Sky

about 1 year ago

This is a plea for cryptography specification authors. If your protocol uses...

I’m Now a Full-Time Professional Open Source Maintainer

about 1 year ago

or, “Holy shit, it works!” Last May I left my job on...

ssh whoami.filippo.io

over 1 year ago

I updated the whoami.filippo.io dataset over the holidays, so it should be...