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Ion transport and ultra-efficient osmotic power generation in boron nitride nanotube porins | Science Advances

1 day ago

Abstract Nanotube porins form transmembrane nanomaterial-derived scaffolds that mimic the geometry and...

Lung-innervating nociceptor sensory neurons promote pneumonic sepsis during carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae lung infection | Science Advances

1 day ago

Abstract Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) causes Gram-negative lung infections and fatal pneumonic...

The coexistence and transition of weak and strong wave turbulences in acoustic broadening | Science Advances

1 day ago

Abstract This study experimentally demonstrates the coexistence and transition between weak and...

Meter-scale van der Waals films manufactured via one-step roll printing | Science Advances

1 day ago

Abstract A weak van der Waals (vdW) force in layered materials enables...

Thr4 phosphorylation on RNA Pol II occurs at early transcription regulating 3′-end processing | Science Advances

1 day ago

Abstract RNA polymerase II relies on a repetitive sequence domain (YSPTSPS) within...

Alignment and actuation of liquid crystals via 3D confinement and two-photon laser printing | Science Advances

1 day ago

Abstract Liquid crystalline (LC) materials are especially suited for the preparation of...

Blended nexus molecules promote CO2 to l-tyrosine conversion | Science Advances

1 day ago

Abstract Using CO 2 as the primary feedstock offers the potential for...

Oscillatory-Quality of sleep spindles links brain state with sleep regulation and function | Science Advances

1 day ago

Abstract Here, we characterized the dynamics of sleep spindles, focusing on their...

Controls on fluvial sediment evacuation following an earthquake-triggered landslide: Observations from LiDAR time series | Science Advances

2 days ago

Abstract Catastrophic sediment overloading of mountain streams in response to coseismic landsliding...