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Last updated 8 days ago

Type-I-interferon-responsive microglia shape cortical development and behavior

8 days ago

A type-I-interferon-responsive microglial subset that engulfs neurons in the developing mouse cortex...

Cellular architecture of evolving neuroinflammatory lesions and multiple sclerosis pathology

8 days ago

Spatial mapping of mouse and human multiple sclerosis neuropathology at a single-cell...

Contrasting somatic mutation patterns in aging human neurons and oligodendrocytes

8 days ago

By employing single-cell whole-genome sequencing and integrating single-nucleus RNA-seq and single-nucleus ATAC-seq...

Barcoding of episodic memories in the hippocampus of a food-caching bird

8 days ago

Hippocampal recordings in food-caching chickadees reveal sparse, transient representations of distinct episodic...

Macromolecular condensation organizes nucleolar sub-phases to set up a pH gradient

8 days ago

Proteins containing blocks of charged amino acids in intrinsically disordered regions contribute...

Charting the cellular biogeography in colitis reveals fibroblast trajectories and coordinated spatial remodeling

8 days ago

The cellular and spatial remodeling associated with induced inflammation and recovery in...

Single-cell dissection of the human motor and prefrontal cortices in ALS and FTLD

8 days ago

Cell-type-specific transcriptional changes across the ALS-FTLD disease spectrum are studied through an...

Mastigoneme structure reveals insights into the O-linked glycosylation code of native hydroxyproline-rich helices

8 days ago

Structure of the native C. reinhardtii mastigoneme allows visualization of the glycan...

Gut microbiome and metabolome profiling in Framingham heart study reveals cholesterol-metabolizing bacteria

8 days ago

The gut microbiomes and metabolomes of 1,429 participants from the Framingham Heart...

Ending “domestic helicopter research”

8 days ago

“Helicopter research” refers to a practice where researchers from wealthier countries conduct...

Infant microbes and metabolites point to childhood neurodevelopmental disorders

8 days ago

This prospective, birth cohort multi-omic study reveals disruptions in the infant gut...

Problem choice and decision trees in science and engineering

8 days ago

Scientists and engineers often spend days choosing a problem and years solving...