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ECB - European Central Bank

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Why are euro area households still gloomy and what are the implications for private consumption?

2 days ago

Consumer confidence in the euro area plummeted when Russia launched its full-scale...

Liquidity conditions and monetary policy operations from 17 April to 23 July 2024

2 days ago

This box describes liquidity conditions and the Eurosystem monetary policy operations during...

Money and credit dynamics in the euro area and a comparison with the United States

2 days ago

The increase in policy rates has translated into higher interest rates on...

Recent developments in wages and the role of wage drift

3 days ago

Wage indicators give policymakers a key perspective on the outlook for inflation...

Findings from a survey of leading firms on labour market trends and the adoption of generative AI

3 days ago

This box summarises the findings from an ECB survey in which leading...

Accounting for nature in euro area economic activity

4 days ago

The role of nature in economic activity is insufficiently incorporated in economic...

Economic and financial impacts of nature degradation and biodiversity loss

4 days ago

Nature is crucial to human wellbeing and provides essential ecosystem services that...

Asymmetries in the transmission of monetary policy shocks over the business cycle: a Bayesian Quantile Factor Augmented VAR

4 days ago

This paper introduces a Bayesian Quantile Factor Augmented VAR (BQFAVAR) to examine...

Past and future challenges for the external competitiveness of the euro area

5 days ago

Over the past few decades, the euro area has gradually lost market...

Labour productivity growth in the euro area and the United States: short and long-term developments

5 days ago

Labour productivity growth in the euro area remains significantly below its pre-pandemic...