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Last updated 14 days ago

Notes on running Go in the browser with WebAssembly

14 days ago

Recently I've had to compile Go to WebAssembly to run in the...

Notes on the Euler formula

21 days ago

The Euler formula states that for any real x \[e^{ix}=cos(x)+i sin(x)\] Where...

SentencePiece BPE Tokenizer in Go

about 1 month ago

Earlier this year I wrote a post about implementing BPE tokenization in...

Building static binaries with Go on Linux

about 2 months ago

One of Go's advantages is being able to produce statically-linked binaries [1]...

Notes on Taylor and Maclaurin series

2 months ago

A Maclaurin series is a power series - a polynomial with carefully...

Asking an LLM to build a simple web tool

3 months ago

I've been really enjoying following Simon Willison's blog posts recently. Simon shows...

Locally patching dependencies in Go

3 months ago

In a previous post I talked about how each Go module is...

Summary of reading: April - June 2024

3 months ago

"River of the Gods: Genius, Courage, and Betrayal in the Search for...

Projections and Projection Matrices

3 months ago

We'll start with a visual and intuitive representation of what a projection...

Reading Google Sheets from a Go program

4 months ago

I recently needed to process some data from a Google Sheet in...

Tokens for LLMs: Byte Pair Encoding in Go

5 months ago

A basic unit of currency in modern LLMs is the token; exciting...

Method of differences and Newton polynomials

5 months ago

I was reading about Babbage's Difference engine the other day, and stumbled...