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Oxidation of Green herd dressing

about 1 hour ago

Looking for advice! I've been developing a herb dressing (basil & garlic...

What’s the perfect chicken marinade?

about 1 hour ago

I’ve got rosemary, I’ve got garlic. I’ve got chilies! submitted by /u/jingowatt...

What red flags does a recipe have that makes you skeptical of its time estimates?

about 2 hours ago

What red flags do you see in recipes that makes you question...

Spice Selection

about 2 hours ago

I am doing a research project about a spice company and they...

Fix fishy tasting frozen fruit?

about 2 hours ago

I just bought a lot of Dole frozen pineapple and mango. The...

I want to make sushi but I'm nervous about getting fish that won't make us sick

about 3 hours ago

Hi everyone. The title says it all. I just got a rice...

Can I smear marshmallow fluff onto a chocolate cake as a frosting?

about 3 hours ago

So, one person in office can't have dairy (but he can have...

What nutrition does curing chicken in honey add to it?

about 3 hours ago

Hi y’all. I love cooking and have always enjoyed trying/making new foods...

Strange egg, albumin was almost all as yellow as the yolk!

about 4 hours ago

I went to fry an egg, free range fresh, this morning. The...

Does the deglazing liquid make a difference?

about 5 hours ago

Let’s say you fry a steak and a recipe (pan sauce) tells...

What's the main factor that make the Maillard reaction happening? Time or Temperature?

about 8 hours ago

Hello everyone, Some days a go someone suggested me a video, now...

What can I do with 30 red wine grapes?

about 8 hours ago

I bought a nero d’Avola vine earlier this year so it’s still...