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Mott Transition for a Lieb-Liniger Gas in a Shallow Quasiperiodic Potential: Delocalization Induced by Disorder

about 12 hours ago

Author(s): Hepeng Yao, Luca Tanzi, Laurent Sanchez-Palencia, Thierry Giamarchi, Giovanni Modugno, and...

Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals in Ultralight Dark Matter

about 12 hours ago

Author(s): Francisco Duque, Caio F. B. Macedo, Rodrigo Vicente, and Vitor CardosoPrevious...

Vacancy-Induced Tunable Kondo Effect in Twisted Bilayer Graphene

about 12 hours ago

Author(s): Yueqing Chang, Jinjing Yi, Ang-Kun Wu, Fabian B. Kugler, Eva Y...

Quadrupole Coupling of Circular Rydberg Qubits to Inner Shell Excitations

about 12 hours ago

Author(s): M. Wirth, C. Hölzl, A. Götzelmann, E. Pultinevicius, and F. MeinertDivalent...

Plasma-Plasma Third Order Phase Transition from Type IIB Supergravity

about 12 hours ago

Author(s): Andrés Anabalón and Julio OlivaWe show that the planar, charged black...

Observation of Circular Dichroism Induced by Electronic Chirality

about 12 hours ago

Author(s): Qian Xiao, Oleg Janson, Sonia Francoual, Qingzheng Qiu, Qizhi Li, Shilong...

Edge Zeros and Boundary Spinons in Topological Mott Insulators

about 12 hours ago

Author(s): Niklas Wagner, Daniele Guerci, Andrew J. Millis, and Giorgio SangiovanniWe use...

Counterdiabatic Driving for Periodically Driven Systems

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Author(s): Paul M. Schindler and Marin BukovPeriodically driven systems have emerged as...

Dual Orthogonally Polarized Lasing Assisted by Imaginary Fermi Arcs in Organic Microcavities

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Author(s): Teng Long, Jiahuan Ren, Peng Li, Feng Yun, Guillaume Malpuech, Dmitry...

Shadow Simulation of Quantum Processes

about 12 hours ago

Author(s): Xuanqiang Zhao, Xin Wang, and Giulio ChiribellaWe introduce the task of...

Entropy Bounds for Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Local Bell Test

about 12 hours ago

Author(s): Ernest Y.-Z. Tan and Ramona WolfOne of the main challenges in...