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Last updated 4 days ago

Notes on AWS Nitro Enclaves: Attack surface

4 days ago

By Paweł Płatek In the race to secure cloud applications, AWS Nitro...

Announcing the Trail of Bits and Semgrep partnership

9 days ago

At Trail of Bits, we aim to share and develop tools and...

Inside DEF CON: Michael Brown on how AI/ML is revolutionizing cybersecurity

11 days ago

At DEF CON, Michael Brown, Principal Security Engineer at Trail of Bits...

Friends don’t let friends reuse nonces

15 days ago

By Joe Doyle If you’ve encountered cryptography software, you’ve probably heard the...

Sanitize your C++ containers: ASan annotations step-by-step

18 days ago

By Dominik Klemba and Dominik Czarnota AddressSanitizer (ASan) is a compiler plugin...

“Unstripping” binaries: Restoring debugging information in GDB with Pwndbg

22 days ago

By Jason An GDB loses significant functionality when debugging binaries that lack...

What would you do with that old GPU?

23 days ago

By Artem Dinaburg and Peter Goodman (Would you get up and throw...

Provisioning cloud infrastructure the wrong way, but faster

about 1 month ago

By Artem Dinaburg Today we’re going to provision some cloud infrastructure the...

“YOLO” is not a valid hash construction

about 1 month ago

By Opal Wright Among the cryptographic missteps we see at Trail of...

We wrote the code, and the code won

about 1 month ago

By Tjaden Hess Earlier this week, NIST officially announced three standards specifying...

Trail of Bits Advances to AIxCC Finals

about 2 months ago

Trail of Bits has qualified for the final round of DARPA’s AI...

Trail of Bits’ Buttercup heads to DARPA’s AIxCC

about 2 months ago

With DARPA’s AI Cyber Challenge (AIxCC) semifinal starting today at DEF CON...