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How ‘Embeddings’ Encode What Words Mean — Sort Of

1 day ago

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but how many numbers...

Cells Across the Tree of Life Exchange ‘Text Messages’ Using RNA

3 days ago

For a molecule of RNA, the world is a dangerous place. Unlike...

The Search for What Shook the Earth for Nine Days Straight

7 days ago

On September 16, 2023, the world began to rumble. A gargantuan rock-ice...

Can Thermodynamics Go Quantum?

7 days ago

The principles of thermodynamics are cornerstones of our understanding of physics. But...

Novel Architecture Makes Neural Networks More Understandable

8 days ago

“Neural networks are currently the most powerful tools in artificial intelligence,” said...

The Cellular Secret to Resisting the Pressure of the Deep Sea

10 days ago

The bottom of the ocean is cold, dark and under extreme pressure...

‘Groups’ Underpin Modern Math. Here’s How They Work.

13 days ago

Mathematics started with numbers — clear, concrete, intuitive. Over the last two...

The First Nuclear Clock Will Test if Fundamental Constants Change

15 days ago

At 11:30 one night in May 2024, a graduate student, Chuankun Zhang...

How the Higgs Field (Actually) Gives Mass to Elementary Particles

16 days ago

The discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider in...

Perplexing the Web, One Probability Puzzle at a Time

21 days ago

In late January, Daniel Litt posed an innocent probability puzzle on the...

Do We Need a New Theory of Gravity?

21 days ago

Observations of the cosmos suggest that unseen sources of gravity — dark...

Computer Scientists Prove That Heat Destroys Quantum Entanglement

22 days ago

Nearly a century ago, the physicist Erwin Schrödinger called attention to a...