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Last updated 14 days ago

Manual intervention for pacman 7.0.0 and local repositories required

14 days ago

With the release of version 7.0.0 pacman has added support for downloading...

The sshd service needs to be restarted after upgrading to openssh-9.8p1

3 months ago

After upgrading to openssh-9.8p1, the existing SSH daemon will be unable to...

Arch Linux 2024 Leader Election Results

6 months ago

Recently we held our leader election, and the previous Project Leader Levente...

Increasing the default vm.max_map_count value

6 months ago

The vm.max_map_count paramater will be increased from the default 65530 value to...

The xz package has been backdoored

6 months ago

TL;DR: Upgrade your systems and container images now As many of you...

mkinitcpio hook migration and early microcode

7 months ago

With the release of mkinitcpio v38, several hooks previously provided by Arch...

Making dbus-broker our default D-Bus daemon

9 months ago

We are making dbus-broker our default implementation of D-Bus, for improved performance...

Bugtracker migration to GitLab completed

10 months ago

We are happy to announce that the migration of the bugtracker to...

Incoming changes in JDK / JRE 21 packages may require manual intervention

11 months ago

We are introducing a change in JDK/JRE packages of our distro. This...

Changes to default password hashing algorithm and umask settings

about 1 year ago

With shadow >= 4.14.0, Arch Linux's default password hashing algorithm changed from...

ansible-core >= 2.15.3-1 update may require manual intervention

about 1 year ago

As of ansible-core 2.15.3, upstream moved documentation and examples to a separate...

budgie-desktop >= 10.7.2-6 update requires manual intervention

about 1 year ago

When upgrading from budgie-desktop 10.7.2-5 to 10.7.2-6, the package mutter43 must be...