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Darths & Droids

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Last updated 2 days ago

Episode 2523: One Good Plan Deserves Another

2 days ago

The plan recap afterwards to see how it actually happened is a...

Episode 2522: Vaporator 2: Judgment Day

4 days ago

A lot of equipment that people might carry in a game includes...

Episode 2521: Sliding Into Home Base

6 days ago

In a game, your vehicle is not just a way of getting...

Episode 2520: I Am Saline, I Am Saline, Home Again ’Cross the Sea

9 days ago

Some players like to comment on or complain about inconsistencies or illogical...

Episode 2519: Salt and Pep Talk

11 days ago

There are endless possibilities for cool planetary geology. Just look at our...

Episode 2518: Mediocre, a Provoker, I’m a Mad Spite Choker

13 days ago

Villains need to establish dominance. It's part of the whole villain schtick....

Episode 2517: So You Got Your Rewards and You’re Just Leaving?

16 days ago

Rewards points are great! For the entity giving them out, that is....

Episode 2516: Katana Split

18 days ago

Sometimes in fiction when people are fighting over some object, the conflict...

Episode 2515: Tour de Force

20 days ago

There are so many possible explanations for weird stuff in your campaign...

Episode 2514: Yeah, I’m Not Paranoid After All

23 days ago

Players expect consistency in games. If you establish a rule or a...

Episode 2513: She Who Lives by the Word, Dies by the Word

25 days ago

Real villains need dramatic exits. At least in movies, they usually get...

Episode 2512: Educate My Mind, Explain All These Controls

27 days ago

Use terrain in combats. Really. Don't make all your fights occur on...