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Last updated about 3 hours ago

Next Time Cancel Me for Something I Actually Said

about 3 hours ago

The wages of cowardice.

Why Conservatives Are Wrong to Support the Kids Online Safety Act

about 6 hours ago

The bill may be well-intentioned, but it is a threat to Americans’...

Delicious, scandalous Angela, &c.

about 12 hours ago

On a prima donna, useful idiots, Columbia University, Hezbollah, Hong Kong, the...

Viktor Orbán vs. America First

about 12 hours ago

Trump may like the Hungarian leader’s praise, but he’s working to undermine...

‘Free Enterprise Is My Birthright as an African’

about 12 hours ago

Julian Simon Award winner Magatte Wade talks about what has held Africa...

Grant Cottage: A Poignant, Dramatic Tribute and a History Museum That Works

about 12 hours ago

There, the president and general who salvaged the Union barely beat death...

Abigail on Abigail

about 12 hours ago

From one ballerina vampire to another.

Politicized Science May Make Us Sicker

about 12 hours ago

When medical and scientific journals wave their progressive flags, half the country...

Trump Should Ditch SALT Deduction, Not Bring It Back

about 12 hours ago

Restoring the state and local tax deduction would be fiscally reckless and...

Trump’s Scattershot Policy Pandering

about 23 hours ago

It’s Oprah Winfreyism, writ large.

Israel’s Critics Will Only Be Satisfied If It Loses

about 24 hours ago

The nation is held to impossible standards of moral perfection in combat...

The Supreme Court Still Has a Serious Leak Problem

1 day ago

The latest leaks show the Court’s vulnerability to insiders using the press...