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Last updated almost 3 years ago

ReactiveX implementation for Haskell?

almost 3 years ago

I would say ReactiveX is the most popular implementation of reactive programming...

Parse DeBruijn Indices

almost 3 years ago

Hello, ​ I found this interpreter for the lambda calculus using de...

[ANN] core-warn: A package for detecting unexpected Core output!

almost 3 years ago

We wanted to address some of the issues raised in this blogpost...

mapWithIndex function

almost 3 years ago

Can anyone help to define the mapWithIndex function recursively? ​ https://preview.redd.it/dems2zxfmbv71.png?width=354&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=23a5087424cb33cdaa6945bf05aa3ed7330154ea submitted...

How do you rename an identifier in a large project?

almost 3 years ago

I use emacs, search for it in helm-ag, then use helm-ag-edit to...

CS SYD - Your testing portfolio

almost 3 years ago

submitted by /u/NorfairKing2 [link] [comments]

Library Logging Best Practice

almost 3 years ago

I'm developing a library for a bigger project which might be generally...

From conduit to streamly

almost 3 years ago

submitted by /u/n00bomb [link] [comments]

[1993] `newtype' (abstype) Proposal

almost 3 years ago

submitted by /u/Iceland_jack [link] [comments]

CS SYD - Test pollution and how to fix it

almost 3 years ago

submitted by /u/NorfairKing2 [link] [comments]

Polymorphic unpacking through backpack?

almost 3 years ago

I’m trying to use backpack to do some limited form of polymorphic...

Haskell career paths?

almost 3 years ago

What career paths are available for working in haskell? From what I've...