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Seth Godin's Blog on marketing, tribes and respect

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Last updated about 8 hours ago

The ledge

about 8 hours ago

Drowning is devastating, a tragic and painful way to go So much...

A next frontier for spam and scams

1 day ago

Please be on the alert for Spam that includes your name, address,...

A possible AI future

2 days ago

Persistent, connected and kind Most visions of the internet in 1995 were...

Vocal fatigue

2 days ago

Most of us talk, some of us do it for a living...

Bye now

3 days ago

The difference between ‘buy now’ and ‘bye now’ is very thin Sometimes,...

Modern apologies

4 days ago

The AI driven voice mail system said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand...

The hierarchy of insight

5 days ago

It looks like this data information knowledge understanding wisdom Which do we...

Banana Equivalents

6 days ago

Bananas are (slightly) radioactive. The banana equivalent dose (BED) is a measurement...

Getting AI to do your work

7 days ago

That’s the first step, certainly. If you don’t, your boss will The...

Better pockets

8 days ago

Every coat needs better pockets There are categories of products or services...

When did we lose consciousness?

9 days ago

In medical TV dramas, losing consciousness is something that happens suddenly and...

Celebrating the thousand with a special package

10 days ago

[Lots of links in this post… US offer is here, international is...