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Last updated about 8 hours ago

Drippy, Feathery, and Spiny Growths Spring from Hannes Hummels’ Otherworldly Flowers

about 8 hours ago

Cologne-based artist and designer Hannes Hummel has long been interested in the...

In YoYo Lander’s Dynamic Portraits, Layers of Stained Paper Capture Light and Shadow

about 10 hours ago

From individually stained snippets of watercolor paper, YoYo Lander collages elaborate portraits....

Jessica Drenk Transforms Thousands of Pencils into Organic Vessels

about 12 hours ago

Undulating, organic sculptures emerge from thousands of drawing utensils in Jessica Drenk’s...

An A.I. Model Helped Uncover 303 Previously Unseen Nazca Lines in Peru

1 day ago

In 2022, we shared news of a monumental discovery at Peru’s Nazca...

Snuggle Up with the New ‘Smithsonian Handbook of Interesting Bird Nests and Eggs’

1 day ago

The cape penduline tit, found in the sub-tropical shrublands of southern Africa,...

Mysterious Orbs Illuminate Deserted Landscapes in Andrew McIntosh’s New Paintings

2 days ago

Nested in rusted caravans or hovering above vast landscapes, small glowing orbs...

Off the Coast of Georgia, Marine Life Colonizes Two MARTA Railcars

2 days ago

Passengers on two Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) railcars look a...

An Ancient Peruvian Site Reveals a Queen’s Remarkable Painted Throne Room

2 days ago

Between about 350 and 850 C.E., a society known as the Moche...

Colossal x Firebelly: The First Look Into Our Joyful Collaboration

3 days ago

When we first started looking for someone to help redesign Colossal, we...

David Antonio Cruz Celebrates Queer Love with Joy and Opulence

3 days ago

In chosenfamily, David Antonio Cruz celebrates the bonds between people who have...

Conservation Advocacy Soars in the 2024 Bird Photographer of the Year Competition

3 days ago

Bird Photographer of the Year has announced the winners of the 2024...

Josh Gluckstein Crafts a Teeming Reef from Recycled Cardboard

4 days ago

For the past four years, London-based artist Josh Gluckstein has highlighted the...