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Last updated almost 2 years ago

M.C. Escher on Creativity and Grasping the Largest Mystery Through the Immense Beauty of the Very Small

almost 2 years ago

“What is that so-called reality; what is this theory other than a...

Le Monde de la Mer: Stunning 19th-Century French Illustrations of the Wonders of the Sea

almost 2 years ago

Dive into “the world of the sea in its luxury and its...

Nature Is Always Listening: The Science of Mushrooms, Music, and How Sound Waves Stimulate Mycelial Growth

almost 2 years ago

What playing music has to do with the happiness of the forest...

Nick Cave on Music, Mystery, and the Relationship Between Vulnerability and Freedom

almost 2 years ago

“There is more going on than we can see or understand, and...

Nobel Laureate Wisława Szymborska’s Poem “Love at First Sight,” Illustrated

almost 2 years ago

“Every beginning is only a sequel, after all, and the book of...

The Log from the Sea of Cortez: John Steinbeck’s Forgotten Masterpiece on How to Think and the Art of Seeing the Pattern Beyond the Particular

almost 2 years ago

“Everything impinges on everything else… Everything is potentially everywhere.” The hardest state...

The Woman Who Saved Native Song

almost 2 years ago

“We understand the people better if we know their music, and we...

Reclaiming Our Human Potential in the Age of Technological “Progress”

almost 2 years ago

“People now use less than half their potential forces because ‘Progress’ has...

How to Be Un-Dead: Anaïs Nin and D.H. Lawrence on the Key to Living Fully

almost 2 years ago

“Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have...