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Durably reducing conspiracy beliefs through dialogues with AI | Science

6 days ago

Conspiracy theory beliefs are notoriously persistent. Influential hypotheses propose that they fulfill...

Exploiting the mechanical effects of ultrasound for noninvasive therapy | Science

6 days ago

Focused ultrasound is a platform technology capable of eliciting a wide range...

Microbial dietary preference and interactions affect the export of lipids to the deep ocean | Science

6 days ago

Lipids comprise a significant fraction of sinking organic matter in the ocean...

Transcripts of repetitive DNA elements signal to block phagocytosis of hematopoietic stem cells | Science

6 days ago

Macrophages maintain hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) quality by assessing cell surface Calreticulin...

Autoregulated splicing of TRA2β programs T cell fate in response to antigen-receptor stimulation | Science

6 days ago

T cell receptor (TCR) sensitivity to peptide–major histocompatibility complex (MHC) dictates T...

Strong El Niños primed Earth for mass extinction

7 days ago

Extreme weather sparked by ocean shifts set stage for Great Dying 250...

Insights into notorious ‘Alzheimer’s gene’ fuel hope for staving off dementia

7 days ago

The gene variant APOE4 is finally giving up some of its secrets...

Offsets, carbon markets, and climate and economic justice | Science

7 days ago

Today, 682 million people, or 8.5% of the world’s population, live in...

Post-2030 global goals need explicit targets for cities and businesses | Science

7 days ago

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), universally adopted by all 193 United...

In Other Journals | Science

7 days ago

Editors’ selections from the current scientific literature

Mega El Niño instigated the end-Permian mass extinction | Science

7 days ago

The ultimate driver of the end-Permian mass extinction is a topic of...