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Last updated 1 day ago

‘Keylocker’ Uses Rhythm & Timing to Battle an Anti-Music Regime

1 day ago

Keylocker needs you to play with rhythm and music to protect yourself...

‘Projected Dreams’ Uses Toys to Create Puzzle-Solving Shadows

2 days ago

In Projected Dreams, you find yourself in a beautiful room full of...

One Special Day Sale – Full of Games for a Good Cause

3 days ago

Special Effect holding a Steam sale for One Special Day! Special Effect...

‘Judero’ – A Stop-Motion Game About Merging With Nature

3 days ago

Judero explores Scottish folklore as players wander a hand-crafted countryside and take...

‘These Heavenly Bodies’ Finds Unsettling Things in Angelic Statues

6 days ago

These Heavenly Bodies toys with suspense and foreshadowing through every minute spent...

‘Hollowbody’ Explores the Eerie Horrors of a Futuristic World

7 days ago

Hollowbody shows us that, even if we have flying cars and fancy...

‘Out and About’ Teaches Real Life Plant Identification

8 days ago

Out and About sees you visiting your grandmother and learning about the...

Trailer Tuesday – Lovely Squirrel Magnates

9 days ago

Trailer Tuesday has us wrangling rodents with firearms, overcoming darkness with sitar...

‘Doronko Wanko’ Rewards You For Destroying Your Home

10 days ago

In Doronko Wanko, a pomeranian tries to find out how much of...

‘Shutterbug’ Uses Your Browser Window to Take the Perfect Picture

13 days ago

Shutterbug alters and resizes your browser window so that you can take...

‘Beatbuddy’ Bounces to Beautiful Underwater Tunes

14 days ago

Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians sets you free in a sumptuous underwater...

‘Kamaeru’ Makes Natural Homes for Collectible Frogs

15 days ago

In Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, you will be creating a sanctuary for...