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Reduction of prolonged excitatory neuron swelling after spinal cord injury improves locomotor recovery in mice | Science Translational Medicine

2 days ago

Reducing excitatory neuron swelling improved locomotor functional recovery after spinal cord injury...

Inhibition of heme-thiolate monooxygenase CYP1B1 prevents hepatic stellate cell activation and liver fibrosis by accumulating trehalose | Science Translational Medicine

2 days ago

Inhibition of CYP1B1 in HSCs and trehalose/lactotrehalose dosing show preclinical antifibrotic effects...

B cells drive neuropathic pain–related behaviors in mice through IgG–Fc gamma receptor signaling | Science Translational Medicine

2 days ago

Nerve injury promotes IgG secretion from B cells, activating Fc gamma receptors...

Clinical, mechanistic, and therapeutic landscape of cutaneous fibrosis | Science Translational Medicine

2 days ago

Scientific and clinical advances have expanded our ability to understand, prevent, and...

Intratumoral radiation dose heterogeneity augments antitumor immunity in mice and primes responses to checkpoint blockade | Science Translational Medicine

9 days ago

Radiation dose heterogeneity promotes systemic antitumor immunity through induction of diverse immune...

Preschool-age children maintain a distinct memory CD4+ T cell and memory B cell response after SARS-CoV-2 infection | Science Translational Medicine

9 days ago

Preschool-age children mount a different adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 than adults.