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Last updated about 23 hours ago

Deep humoral profiling coupled to interpretable machine learning unveils diagnostic markers and pathophysiology of schistosomiasis | Science Translational Medicine

about 23 hours ago

Antibody profiling and machine learning provide insight into the underlying pathophysiology of...

Intratumoral radiation dose heterogeneity augments antitumor immunity in mice and primes responses to checkpoint blockade | Science Translational Medicine

about 23 hours ago

Radiation dose heterogeneity promotes systemic antitumor immunity through induction of diverse immune...

Preschool-age children maintain a distinct memory CD4+ T cell and memory B cell response after SARS-CoV-2 infection | Science Translational Medicine

about 23 hours ago

Preschool-age children mount a different adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 than adults.

Perfusion imaging metrics after acute traumatic spinal cord injury are associated with injury severity in rats and humans | Science Translational Medicine

about 23 hours ago

Ultrasound perfusion metrics are correlated with acute spinal cord injury severity in...

ARGX-119 is an agonist antibody for human MuSK that reverses disease relapse in a mouse model of congenital myasthenic syndrome | Science Translational Medicine

about 23 hours ago

ARGX-119 is a first-in-class MuSK agonist monoclonal antibody in clinical development for...

Targeted partial reprogramming of age-associated cell states improves markers of health in mouse models of aging | Science Translational Medicine

8 days ago

Reprogramming aged cells through targeted overexpression of Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4 leads...

HIF-2α drives hepatic Kupffer cell death and proinflammatory recruited macrophage activation in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis | Science Translational Medicine

8 days ago

HIF-2α regulates macrophage subtype–specific growth and function to enhance the development of...

BATF is a major driver of NK cell epigenetic reprogramming and dysfunction in AML | Science Translational Medicine

8 days ago

BATF deletion prevents epigenetic rewiring and enhances the antitumor activity of NK...