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Neo N3: Democratizing Blockchain Governance for Everyone

1 day ago

Introduction In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, one platform is...

Getting started with Celo-composer and Metamask integration.

1 day ago

Hello Devs 👋🤗 The Celo Composer allows you to quickly build, deploy...

#AISprint Darija AI: A Community-Driven Platform for Moroccan Darija Translation Dataset - Minority Languages

2 days ago

GitHub Repostory: https://github.com/ElhoubeBrahim/collect-darija Platform Link: https://darijaai.mlnomads.com With the recent advancements in human-like...

Rust fullstack web app! WASM + YEW + ROCKET

2 days ago

By the end of this tutorial, you will understand how to create...

How to Fix Puppeteer’s Browser Launch Issue in Docker Containers with Node-HTML-to-Image

3 days ago

When working with image generation in a Node.js application, one of the...

Ransomware Resilience: DevSecOps Strategies for Preventing and Recovering from Cyber Extortion

3 days ago

Introduction: The Ransomware Threat Ransomware attacks have evolved into one of the...

Building CI/CD Pipelines on GitHub Actions: A Step-by-Step Guide

3 days ago

In this article, I will guide you through the step-by-step process of...

Building a RAG with Supabase Vector & OpenAI

3 days ago

As AI continues to evolve, one of the limitations of generative AI...

Kafka: a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing

4 days ago

Introduction I was reading about event-driven architecture and got to know more...

“Understanding JAMstack: How It Differentiates from Traditional Web Development Architectures”

5 days ago

Over the last few years, JAMstack has been a revolutionary approach to...

PubNub vs Pusher creating a realtime messaging app in React

6 days ago

Real-time data is one of the core pillars for modern applications these...

React 19: Understanding the Latest Game Changing Features

6 days ago

Introduction With the release of React 19, developers are in for a...