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Last updated about 14 hours ago

Access control is going mobile — Is this the way forward?

about 15 hours ago

Last year, the highest volume of cyberattacks (30%) started in the same...

Ransomware on the rise: Healthcare industry attack trends 2024

1 day ago

According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024, the...

SANS Institute: Top 5 dangerous cyberattack techniques in 2024

4 days ago

The SANS Institute — a leading authority in cybersecurity research, education and...

New cybersecurity advisory highlights defense-in-depth strategies

8 days ago

In 2023, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) conducted a red...

CISA chief AI officer follow-up: Current state of the role (and where it’s heading)

9 days ago

At the beginning of August, CISA announced that it had appointed Lisa...

Cybersecurity risks in healthcare are an ongoing crisis

10 days ago

While healthcare providers have been implementing technical, administrative and physical safeguards related...

CVE backlog update: The NVD struggles as attackers change tactics

11 days ago

In February, the number of vulnerabilities processed and enriched by the National...

What can businesses learn from the rise of cyber espionage?

15 days ago

It’s not just government organizations that need to worry about cyber espionage...

How I got started: AI security executive

16 days ago

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming increasingly crucial to cybersecurity systems...

ChatGPT 4 can exploit 87% of one-day vulnerabilities: Is it really that impressive?

18 days ago

After reading about the recent cybersecurity research by Richard Fang, Rohan Bindu...

How cyber criminals are compromising AI software supply chains

22 days ago

With the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) soaring across industries and use...

New report shows ongoing gender pay gap in cybersecurity

23 days ago

The gender gap in cybersecurity isn’t a new issue. The lack of...