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ECB - Working paper series

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Last updated 4 days ago

Asymmetries in the transmission of monetary policy shocks over the business cycle: a Bayesian Quantile Factor Augmented VAR

4 days ago

This paper introduces a Bayesian Quantile Factor Augmented VAR (BQFAVAR) to examine...

Estimating the full effect of a partially anticipated event: a market-based approach applied to the case of TLTROIII

12 days ago

This paper presents an event-study methodology that combines market data and survey-based...

Tackling the volatility paradox: spillover persistence and systemic risk

15 days ago

Financial losses can have persistent effects on the financial system. This paper...

Digital euro demand: design, individuals’ payment preferences and socioeconomic factors

15 days ago

By applying a structural demand model to unique consumer-level survey data from...

Aim, focus, shoot. The choice of appropriate and effective macroprudential instruments

30 days ago

We examine the issue of the appropriate selection of macroprudential instruments according...

Macroeconomic modelling of CBDC: a critical review

30 days ago

Over the last decades, macro-economists have renewed their efforts to reduce the...

The aggregate and distributional implications of credit shocks on housing and rental markets

about 1 month ago

We build a model of the aggregate housing and rental markets in...

The life-cycle dynamics of wealth mobility

about 1 month ago

We use 25 years of tax records for the Norwegian population to...

The transmission of bank credit conditions to firms-evidence from linked surveys

about 1 month ago

Using a novel dataset linking firm level data from the Survey on...

Corporate reorganization and the reallocation of labor in bankruptcy

about 1 month ago

We analyze how corporate reorganization and liquidation change labor reallocation during bankruptcy...

What shapes spillovers from monetary policy shocks in the United States to emerging market economies?

about 2 months ago

Monetary policy decisions by the Federal Reserve System in the US are...

Macro uncertainty, unemployment risk, and consumption dynamics

about 2 months ago

Households' income heterogeneity is important to explain consumption dynamics in response to...