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Financial Samurai

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Last updated 1 day ago

Increasing The Safe Retirement Withdrawal Rate At The Wrong Time

1 day ago

If you're increasing your recommended safe withdrawal rate for retirement now, you're...

Resist The Temptation To Do A Cash-Out Refinance As Rates Collapse

3 days ago

With record-high home equity and declining mortgage rates, the temptation to do...

Car Insurance Fraud As A Side Hustle Is Not Worth The Money

6 days ago

In my post about illegal immigration, a commenter pointed out that I...

Bumped Into An Illegal Immigrant And It Could Have Been Costly

8 days ago

Like millions of others, I watched with intrigue the first—and potentially only—Donald...

Maximizing Real Estate Returns In A Multi-Year Rate Cut Environment

10 days ago

At long last, the time has finally come for the Fed to...

MIT and Yale’s New Class Profiles Post Affirmative Action Ban

13 days ago

In 2013, Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) filed a lawsuit against Harvard...

Direct Indexing: A Growing Investment Strategy Among The Wealthy

15 days ago

One of the investing strategies growing in popularity with the wealthy is...

Careful Giving Up Your Career To Be A Stay-At-Home Parent

17 days ago

In April 2017, I made a commitment to be a stay-at-home parent...

The Broke Mindset: Your Contrarian Advantage In Building Wealth

20 days ago

Since I purchased my house in October 2023, I’ve been feeling broke...

Consequences Of A Limited Partner Not Meeting A Capital Call

22 days ago

Last month, I missed a $25,000 capital call without even realizing it...

A $20 Million Net Worth Should Be Enough To Live Happy And Free

24 days ago

Needless to say, a $20 million net worth is a substantial amount...

To Be A Great Athlete Is Prohibitively Expensive For Most

27 days ago

Like most people, I enjoyed watching the Olympics. Some of us might...