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Last updated about 3 hours ago

Opposing GPCR signaling programs protein intake setpoint in Drosophila

about 3 hours ago

The coordinated actions of two opposing GPCR pathways establish distinct protein intake...

Vaginal Lactobacillus fatty acid response mechanisms reveal a metabolite-targeted strategy for bacterial vaginosis treatment

about 3 hours ago

Vaginal microbiota dominance by Lactobacillus iners is associated with recurrence of bacterial...

Microbial colonization programs are structured by breastfeeding and guide healthy respiratory development

about 3 hours ago

Human milk serves as a “pacemaker,” indirectly protecting against asthma by regulating...

Mining human microbiomes reveals an untapped source of peptide antibiotics

about 3 hours ago

Computational analysis of 1,773 human gut metagenomes led to the discovery of...

Stress-sensitive neural circuits change the gut microbiome via duodenal glands

about 3 hours ago

Secretions from the duodenal glands of Brunner enhance host defense by promoting...

Safe and effective in vivo delivery of DNA and RNA using proteolipid vehicles

about 3 hours ago

Current genetic medicines are limited by tolerability, scalability, and immunogenicity issues. Utilizing...

Genetic tracing of market wildlife and viruses at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic

about 3 hours ago

DNA of mammalian wildlife species susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 was detected along with...

The molecular architecture of the nuclear basket

about 3 hours ago

The elusive architecture of the nuclear basket reveals that a double ring...

Neutrophil trapping and nexocytosis, mast cell-mediated processes for inflammatory signal relay

about 3 hours ago

During allergen challenge, degranulating mast cells re-route and trap living neutrophils in...

DdmDE eliminates plasmid invasion by DNA-guided DNA targeting

about 3 hours ago

As a component of a bacterial anti-plasmid defense system, DdmE is an...

Macrophage-mediated myelin recycling fuels brain cancer malignancy

about 3 hours ago

Recycling of cholesterol-rich myelin debris by macrophages leads to the emergence of...

Condensate interfacial forces reposition DNA loci and probe chromatin viscoelasticity

about 3 hours ago

Measuring condensate formation and dissolution in cells reveals that the processes can...