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Microsoft Azure Blog

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Last updated over 1 year ago

New and upcoming capabilities with Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch)—An Azure Native ISV Service

over 1 year ago

Microsoft and Elastic partnered together in 2020 to build an Elastic Cloud...

What’s new with Azure Files

over 1 year ago

Azure Files provides fully managed file shares in the cloud that you...

Insights from the 2023 Open Confidential Computing Conference

over 1 year ago

I had the opportunity to participate in this year's Open Confidential Computing...

Microsoft Cost Management updates—April 2023

over 1 year ago

Whether you're a new student, a thriving startup, or the largest enterprise...

Preparing for future health emergencies with Azure HPC

over 1 year ago

A once-in-a-century global health emergency accelerates worldwide healthcare innovation and...

Azure Virtual WAN introduces its first SaaS offering

over 1 year ago

Today we are excited to announce the preview of Palo Alto Networks...

Secure your cloud environment with Cloud Next-Generation Firewall by Palo Alto Networks, an Azure Native ISV Service—now in preview

over 1 year ago

To support our customers in accelerating their digital transformation journey and protecting...

ISC 2023: Experience the power of HPC in the cloud with Microsoft Azure

over 1 year ago

The ISC High-Performance Event (ISC), formerly known as International Supercomputing Conference, is...

Managing IP with Microsoft Azure and Cliosoft

over 1 year ago

This blog was co-authored by Fernando Aznar Cornejo, AMD Partner Development Manager...

What’s new in Azure Data & AI: Helping organizations manage the data deluge

over 1 year ago

When I meet with customers and partners, one thing is clear: nearly...

Choose the best global distribution solution for your applications with Azure

over 1 year ago

This post was co-authored by Dave Burkhardt and Sami Modak. As...

Unleash the power of APIs: Strategies for innovation

over 1 year ago

Modern businesses increasingly rely on technology to drive growth and deliver innovative...