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Last updated about 3 hours ago

Reverse Engineering A Keyboard Driver Uncovers A Self-Destruct Code

about 3 hours ago

Should you be able to brick a keyboard just by writing a...

Lathe Outfitted with Electronic Gearbox

about 4 hours ago

Running a metal lathe is not for the faint of heart. Without...

Design and the Golden Rule

about 6 hours ago

You often learn the golden rule or some variation of it as...

Embossing Graphics By 3D Printing On Wood

about 7 hours ago

Embossing (making raised shapes) and debossing (making sunken shapes) on 3D-printed surfaces...

Switching Regulators: Mistake Fixing For Dummies

about 9 hours ago

Some time ago, while designing the PCB for the Sony Vaio replacement...

Mothbox Watches Bugs, So You — Or Your Grad Students — Don’t Have To

about 12 hours ago

To the extent that one has strong feelings about insects, they tend...

A Guide to Laser Cutting Metal, if You’ve Got the Cash

about 15 hours ago

While many of us now have laser cutters — either a K40-style...

Trees Turned Into Wind Turbines, Non-Destructively

about 18 hours ago

Trees and forests are an incredibly important natural resource not only for...

Creating a Twisted Grid Image Illusion With a Diffusion Model

about 21 hours ago

Images that can be interpreted in a variety of ways have existed...

Blowing Up Shell Scripts

about 24 hours ago

One of the most universal experiences of any Linux or Unix user...

Upgraded Raster Laser Projector Goes RGB

1 day ago

We’ve covered a scanning laser project by Ben Make’s Everything last year...

FLOSS Weekly Episode 801: JBang — Not Your Parents Java Anymore

1 day ago

This week Jonathan Bennett and Jeff Massie chat with Max Rydahl Andersen...