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Last updated 27 minutes ago

How I Used Monitor Mode on TP-Link WN722N for Fun

35 minutes ago

As a kid, I used to be amazed by those movie scenes...

Spice Up Your Spotify Experience With Spicetify on Ubuntu

about 19 hours ago

If you are a regular user of Spotify, you can customize the...

Icons Too Small? Enable Fractional Scaling in Linux Mint

1 day ago

A HiDPI (High Dots Per Inch) monitor has a high pixel density...

No Camera Found? Getting the Camera App to Work in Ubuntu 24.04

3 days ago

Ubuntu 24.04 ships with GNOME's new camera app and it doesn't work...

Generative AI & LLMs: How are They Different or Similar?

5 days ago

Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) are often used interchangeably, but...

What is a Compute Module? Why should you care about it?

7 days ago

As your projects move from tinkering to serious development, the limitations of...

Convert and Transfer PDFs and eBooks to Kindle Using Calibre

8 days ago

S,o you bought a new e-book from a platform like Humble Bundle...

FOSS Weekly #24.38: Arch Experience, Kernel 6.11, Mint vs Ubuntu and More Linux Stuff

9 days ago

Last week, I shared the Linux online course as our new project...

Apt, DNF, Zypper, Pip, Cargo, XYZ! App Rules Them All

11 days ago

Managing packages in Linux distribution varies depending on the distribution. All the...

What are Tokens in LLMs? A Beginner’s Guide

12 days ago

If you’ve been following our articles on Large Language Models (LLMs) or...

Installing Docker on Raspberry Pi OS

13 days ago

When you combine Docker with the compact, affordable Raspberry Pi, you’ve got...