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Rates of sudden unexpected infant death changed during the COVID-19 pandemic

1 day ago

Rates of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) and sudden infant death syndrome...

Scientists design new drug to fight malaria

1 day ago

A team has designed a new drug against malaria and identified its...

Climate change likely to increase diarrheal disease hospitalizations by 2100s in Dhaka, Bangladesh

1 day ago

By 2100, hospitalizations from diarrheal diseases are predicted to increase in the...

Study unveals a novel protective mechanism in bacterial cell wall

1 day ago

Researchers have discovered a widespread mechanism in bacteria that enhances the bacteria's...

How social structure influences the way people share money

1 day ago

A study of informal finance finds that in East Africa, money moves...

Unexpected role of hippocampus in skilled movement control

1 day ago

The hippocampus has a surprising new role -- linked to the control...

Bacteria involved in gum disease linked to increased risk of head and neck cancer

1 day ago

More than a dozen bacterial species among the hundreds that live in...

These fish use legs to taste the seafloor

1 day ago

Sea robins are unusual animals with the body of a fish, wings...

Scientists discover gene responsible for rare, inherited eye disease

1 day ago

Scientists have identified a gene responsible for some inherited retinal diseases (IRDs)...

Scientists discover 'pause button' in human development

1 day ago

Researchers have discovered a potential 'pause button' in the earliest stages of...

Genetic rescue for rare red foxes?

1 day ago

A study shows inbreeding is affecting a small, isolated red fox population...

Dead coral skeletons hinder reef regeneration by sheltering seaweed

1 day ago

The structural complexity of coral reefs creates a vibrant underwater city populated...