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Jake Archibald's Blog

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Last updated about 2 months ago

Video with alpha transparency on the web

about 2 months ago

I've been helping some teams at Shopify improve page load performance, and...

Garbage collection and closures

about 2 months ago

Me, Surma, and Jason were hacking on a thing, and discovered that...

HTML attributes vs DOM properties

5 months ago

Attributes and properties are fundamentally different things. You can have an attribute...

View transitions: Handling aspect ratio changes

7 months ago

This post assumes some knowledge of view transitions. If you're looking for...

The case against self-closing tags in HTML

about 1 year ago

Let's talk about /&gt <input type="text" /> <br /> <img src="…" />You'll...

The gotcha of unhandled promise rejections

over 1 year ago

Let's say you wanted to display a bunch of chapters on the...

Getting the correct HTML codecs parameter for an AV1 video

almost 2 years ago

This post is mostly for my own reference, but I couldn't find...

Drawing a star with DOMMatrix

almost 2 years ago

I recently recorded an episode of HTTP 203 on DOMPoint and DOMMatrix...

Avoiding layout shifts: aspect-ratio vs width & height attributes

about 2 years ago

By default, an <img> takes up zero space until the browser loads...

Cross-fading any two DOM elements is currently impossible

almost 3 years ago

Ok, it isn't always impossible. Be amazed as I cross-fade the word...

How to win at CORS

almost 3 years ago

CORS is hard. It's hard because it's part of how browsers fetch...

Writing great alt text: Emotion matters

about 3 years ago

If you prefer videos to articles, there's an episode of HTTP 203...