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Seezo SDR – Automated security design reviews

25 minutes ago

submitted by /u/phantom69_ftw [link] [留言]

Applying security engineering to make phishing harder

about 4 hours ago

submitted by /u/nibblesec [link] [留言]

Stowaway -- Multi-hop Proxy Tool for pentesters

about 6 hours ago

submitted by /u/CryptographerWeak578 [link] [留言]

Exploiting Android Client WebViews with Help from HSTS

about 6 hours ago

submitted by /u/SeanPesce [link] [留言]

SAP Hash Cracking Techniques

about 10 hours ago

submitted by /u/vah_13 [link] [留言]

Solidity Static Analyzers: Reducing False Positives with CodeQL

about 21 hours ago

submitted by /u/arrowflakes [link] [留言]

Vulnerabilities in Open Source C2 Frameworks

about 21 hours ago

submitted by /u/907jessejones [link] [留言]

Hertz leaks 60,000 insurance claim reports on their claims website

1 day ago

submitted by /u/ok_bye_now_ [link] [留言]

Revisiting MiniFilter Abuse Techniques to Blind EDR

1 day ago

submitted by /u/eitot8 [link] [留言]