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Last updated over 1 year ago

DCCXXVIII ~ Mobile Suit Swordarm

over 1 year ago

Giantslayer Mechanoid: EN GARDE Giantslayer Mechanoid Pilot: There's no wy my new...

DCCXXVII ~ The Timely Assassin

over 1 year ago

Lizardman Assassin: You want to hire assassin to kill Fred. Already I...

DCCXXVI - Not a-muse-d

over 1 year ago

Self-Insert: Wow! The Sword of Creative Inspiration Self-Insert: Give me a creative...

DCCXXV ~ Quest Sprout & The Nightmare's End

over 1 year ago

The Portal to the Dream Realm is closing with a FWOOM! FWOOOOOOo...

DCCXXIV ~ Quest Sprout & The Door To Dreams

over 1 year ago

demon of eternal slumber: I'll deal with you brats next time The...

DCCXXIII ~ Quest Sprout & The Bonds of Friendship

over 1 year ago

demon of eternal slumber: Pest Sprout! We're leaving! Hurry up pest sprout:...

DCCXXII ~ Quest Sprout & The Bonds of Love

over 1 year ago

quest sprouts mom: My baby quest sprout: M... quest sprout: MOMMA! demon...

DCCXXI ~ Quest Sprout & Fateful Reunion

over 1 year ago

demon of eternal slumber: I didn't want to have to do this...

DCCXX ~ Quest Sprout & the Fallen Knight

over 1 year ago

demon of eternal slumber: Dead, huh? I guess my power was too...

DCCXIX ~ Pick Of The Loot

over 1 year ago

A monster is picking its teeth with a rapier, making a PICK!...

DCCXVIII ~ Tungsteel

over 1 year ago

Giant Sword Serpent: SWWWWW Powerful Man: Prepare yourself. Powerful Man: 79 Golden...

DCCXVII ~ Doing It For The Experience

over 1 year ago

Villager: What adventure do you have in mind for us today, Sword...